Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Ok. So we've had this movie forever now--- one of our coworkers gave it to us to let us borrow it (she really thought we would like it). It had been sitting in our car, on the table, laying on the floor next to the tv, back in the car, waiting to be watched, back to the owner, "Sorry, we didn't have time to watch it, but didn't want to hang on to it forever."

"No really, just watch it-- you can keep it another week." Then again, sitting in Freddy's desk, sitting in the car, on the table, laying on the floor next to the tv, waiting to be watched. FINALLY, we watched it last night. Good, good, good movie. We'll probably buy it. I cried like, probably fourteen times. You should rent it tonight. It's in Spanish, but we had the English subtitles on (Freddy is still working on his Spanish and he wasn't sure if he would understand it all... naturally)... Also, there were a few bad words with the subtitles, but Freddy said that they weren't actually bad words, they were just poorly translated. Overall, it was a very good movie.


  1. Um but... what is it about? In English, please.

  2. Is that the movie about the mexican kid who comes to the united states illegaly to find his mother who is also illegal?... yeah - I boycotted that one ~ though I doubt you're surprised. Trying to gain sympathy by using a kid and telling a touching story.... I didnt fall for it. sorry tracy. Im glad YOU liked it. =)
