Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Day For....

Today was all about Riley! We finally took the time to finish his dog house! Yay!! Here's the finished product!

And here's Riley with his new and improved house! We've had the dog house taken apart for a few weeks trying to finish it. In the mean time he hasn't had that extra shade to enjoy. Poor puppy... But now it's back and BETTER than EVER!!

(I think I took the picture too fast because it looks like the white trim on the doorway is warped. In reality it's not, I simply have a dog that won't stay still for very long.)

And to finish off the day of fun, Riley got a baaath!!! Yay!! While usually it's not his favorite thing to do, today it was pretty hot so he enjoyed being cooled down.

In other news, we just recently got new (and desperately needed) phones! Fun! We actually have the exact same phone, the Samsung Eternity-- but mine has a pink cover and his has a black one (much more professional looking than pink). Our contract had just ended so we went ahead and upgraded our phones to wayyyy better ones. We're both still getting used to them, seeing as they're touch screen-- which neither of us have had before. But so far they seem great! My favorite feature so far: you can set TEN alarms!! On my last phone you could only set ONE. Talk about improvements!

The baby is growing so much lately! I really am starting to feel like a blimp... But on the up side, he kicks and moves more often and they're stronger too. Freddy's been able to see and feel the baby several times. (Before it was kinda like, "Ooo ooo! The baby's kicking!!" He'd quickly put his hand to feel--- "Oh... nevermind.. he stopped..") We're already well into the third trimester and only 12 more weeks to go! Amazing how time flies...